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General Lionel Model Train Discussion / Seeking help with O Scale Crossing
« Last post by JD36 on February 05, 2025, 11:56:36 pm »
Hey there!  First timer here and I have a new O Scale FasTrack train set.
I recently purchased the Lionel FasTrack Crossing gates, 6-12062.  It comes with two 5" insulated track pieces that go on either side of the crossing.  The issue that bugs me is that the loco is almost all the way across the intersection by the time the gates lower.

I want to set this up so the train will trip the crossing about three (10") pieces of track on the approach/before reaching the crossing.  Does Lionel sell these 5" or preferably 10" insulated track pieces separately?

If not, does anyone have a workaround trick?

I took a 10" straight track piece and removed the metal jumper plate under the track bed and then used my Dremel to create a splice in the outside rail trying to replicate the 5" insulated piece, but it didn't work.  I had watched a YouTube video on how a guy did this but I cant find it.

Thanks in advance!
Scratch building & kitbashing / Weathering lionel accessories
« Last post by Cadmandu on February 03, 2025, 03:15:07 pm »
Hi all
I would like for my new layout to have a 1870 look.
Has anyone weathered say the 164 log loader or the sawmill to look like a wood surface?
General Lionel Model Train Discussion / Postwar Train sets by engine number
« Last post by dockside on January 29, 2025, 11:39:59 am »
Hi, I am looking for a list or chart listing of Lionel sets by engine number. Does any body know of one? If so, where can I find it?
thanks Dockside
Postwar Lionel Trains 1945-1969 / 464 Saw Mill
« Last post by Cadmandu on January 16, 2025, 11:27:36 am »
Hi all I just bought a really clean 464 with all building parts included. I then purchased a 364c controller. What i would like to know is the length and diameter of the logs and the three dimensions of the lumber.
Logs 3361-21
Timbers 464-51
Trains Marketplace - Buy & Sell Here! / WANTED: 711 non-derailing switches, 2R and 1L
« Last post by Nautilus on January 11, 2025, 09:22:23 am »
Looking for good working 711s without having to take out a 2nd mortgage to pay for them.
Trains Marketplace - Buy & Sell Here! / Looking to sell my set
« Last post by Robert03311972 on January 03, 2025, 11:51:46 pm »
Hi All,

I’m looking to sell my complete set, minus the track and switches. I’m currently running an estate sale in Thousand Oaks, CA and I have it here. I’ve priced it 25% less than if I sold it piece by piece on EBay but still get rolled eyes when I tell someone the price. Yes, I researched the SOLD prices, not asking BIN prices.

I think I have to find a buyer that has nothing and wants a good amount of cars, engines and structures to start their collection. Realized, individual sales total is $1200 (without shipping) and I’m asking $900. So for that guy, this is a good deal.

Can anyone give me direction? What’s the best way or site to sell it all in one shot? OR, If I sell it piece by piece, what’s the best site and way to do it?

Any advice is appreciated.


Lionel Maintenance & Repair / 2020 4-4-0 LionChief body removal
« Last post by sguth31685 on December 27, 2024, 02:24:50 pm »
I've never owned a model train before but I bought a Disney FastTrack Christmas train in 2020 for the grandkids.  Has worked great until this year.  I have a short somewhere in the locomotive.  I am trying to remove the body from the chassis so I can look for an obvious short (bad or frayed wire, something out of place, etc.).  I cannot figure out how to remove the body.  I've removed almost every screw I can locate.  I've loosened the body but can't pull it off the chassis.  I don't want to get too rough and break anything.

Is there a secret to removing the body?  I've searched YouTube and even spoken to tech support at Lionel but no luck.  Any help is appreciated.
« Last post by djacobsen on December 24, 2024, 06:38:30 pm »
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all our Forum members and their families.
I hope Santa brings you the train(s) you wanted.
Happy Rails!
Postwar Lionel Trains 1945-1969 / Controller
« Last post by John H. on December 22, 2024, 08:07:34 pm »
Hello all,

I have a quirky issue with one of my controllers.  All the 022 switch tracks, there are nine, and controllers date back to the late 1950's and are working fine.  However, I have one controller where both the green and red bulbs are constantly lit.  This does not interfere with the operation of the switch track but it seems odd that I cannot figure out what the problem is.  Do you have a suggestion that would help me remedy this situation?

Thank you,
O Scale / reversing loop how-to?
« Last post by jaaasshh on December 09, 2024, 01:16:20 am »
Hi - new to lionel o-gauge/fast track.

I want to create a simple reversing loop.  One switch and a loop.  Probably a second one at the other end of the run.  I don't think this sounds too crazy?

Can I do that in a way that the train keeps rolling and I don't have to interact with the switch?  I've seen a bunch of posts about short circuits and insullated tracks. Are those things I need be concerned with?

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Recent Threads

Seeking help with O Scale Crossing by JD36
February 05, 2025, 11:56:36 pm

Weathering lionel accessories by Cadmandu
February 03, 2025, 03:15:07 pm

Postwar Train sets by engine number by dockside
January 29, 2025, 11:39:59 am

464 Saw Mill by Cadmandu
January 16, 2025, 11:27:36 am

WANTED: 711 non-derailing switches, 2R and 1L by Nautilus
January 11, 2025, 09:22:23 am


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