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Messages - rjk2274

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Layout Design Forum / Re: Dwarf Signal Wiring
« on: December 03, 2018, 01:58:18 pm »
Got it now!  That makes sense how you explained it.

The positive is I get to go back to the store for that "one" part I need! lol  ;D

Thanks for taking the time to explain it!


Layout Design Forum / Re: Dwarf Signal Wiring
« on: December 03, 2018, 10:17:30 am »
OK.  I was under the impression it was the IR controller or the activator track which is what I have.  The power lock on is on the full length piece and then there are two 5 inch pieces with a 'break' in the outside rail.

Not trying to question just trying to learn since there will be other accessories in the future I would think.

Layout Design Forum / Dwarf Signal Wiring
« on: December 03, 2018, 09:06:04 am »
Good Morning!  I used to be a track under the tree guy for Christmas every year but since my Dad passed a few years ago and I was given his collection I am now in the process of building a permanent layout that is up and operational all year instead of just the month of December.  Per the boss' orders I cannot make a mess and take on the construction process right now this close to Christmas so I have spent a ton of time here getting tips and ideas for building and am experimenting on a temporary Christmas layout on plywood layed over the the pool table.  My son and I just visited our local Lionel shop over the weekend and he picked out the Dwarf signal to add which I was good with however I cannot get it to function properly so I am turning to you guys with my first question.

How does it get wired so that it switches back and forth from red to green?  I am using Fastrack.  I have the Fastrack Accessory Activator track section with the plug in accessory wire.  My issue is none of the wire colors in the manual match what I actually have.  The accessory wire obviously plugs into the track at one and and the unfinished end has a red, white and black wire.  The Dwarf signal has two white wires and two red wires.  If I connect the reds to the accessory wire red and the whites to the accessory white wire it lights both the red and the green signal at the same time.  What is the correct way so it alternates since the way I have it clearly isn't right?

Thanks in advance!

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